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Lakpura Karthakolomban Mango

Lakpura Karthakolomban Mango

Regular price $1.60 USD
Regular price $1.90 USD Sale price $1.60 USD
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KC Mango, originating from Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, is renowned for its large size, vibrant golden-yellow skin with occasional red blushes, and succulent, fiber-free flesh. Its intense aroma, a blend of floral and tropical notes, heralds its ripeness. With a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, it offers hints of honey and citrus undertones. Highly sought after locally and internationally, it's enjoyed fresh or incorporated into various culinary delights, from smoothies to savory dishes. Celebrated in Taiwan's mango festivals, KC Mango holds cultural significance, symbolizing the region's rich agricultural heritage and culinary excellence.

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